Forbidden Reviews

As promised, here are a few additional Forbidden Reviews, (unfortunately the original photo below, and in my books is missing/stolen).
Thank you Austin MacAuley, UK Team for doing a wonderful job!

Forbidden is a collection of poems on subjects like love, philosophy, self and nature. I found the pieces in this book really resonate. I was captivated and invested in each piece, whether by description of place, intriguing metaphor. This book has over 100 poems in it. This really is a beautiful collection of work. I would definitely recommend reading this book...(Rose Emerson Craig).

​Written by author Shraddha Patel, this book is a mesmerizing collection of exquisite pieces. There are a lot of references to other pieces of art and literature in this piece. Along with the flowing descriptions, these poems have a quick short sentence structure that leaves bursts of thoughts for the reader to consider. I really enjoyed this book. I was captivated by the way that they made me think about the subject matter of each particular poem. A must-read for poetry readers (Courtesy of USA Reviewers)

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